Are you a light sleeper and always struggle to fall asleep?
Having trouble falling asleep?
Find the best way to fall asleep.
Are you trying too hard and can’t fall asleep – try something that is simple.
Here is a trick to falling asleep fast that works.
Visualizing numbers!
Start at 100 and count backwards. Close your eyes and give it a try. Visualize the numbers 100… 99… 98… 97… 96… 95… 94… 93… 92… 91… 90… and so on…
Start at 1 and count forwards…
Put a rhythm to your counting.
So you can switch to numbers instead of counting sheep.
If you are still having trouble falling asleep, speak to your doctor as you may have a medical reason for why you can’t sleep.
Avoid insomnia and try something new that can have health benefits.
Other than counting, you can give Registered Massage Therapy a worthwhile try if you are having trouble falling asleep.