Choose from a variety of Registered Massage treatments and immerse yourself in the very best therapeutic massages that Sunstone Registered Family Massage has to offer.
Call Now To Book An Appointment 647-233-2569 Or Click Here To Book Online:
Traditional Swedish Massage
Traditional Swedish Massage is the manipulation of soft tissues in the body. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, and elbows. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain. Only those who are professionally trained and registered by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario hold the title of Registered Massage Therapist.
Relaxation Massage (All Ages)
Relaxation Massage (All Ages) – Slow and Gentle Massage designed to maximally calm the Nervous system and tense muscles.
Athletic Massage (All Ages)
Athletic Massage (All Ages) – A faster-paced massage designed to both relax the client but also get the body ready to move.
Deep Tissue Massage (18-64 yrs)
Deep Tissue Massage (18-64 yrs) – Deep Tissue involves deep techniques designed to get into troublesome areas. These techniques are not suitable for everyone and deep pressure is NEVER forced onto anyone. We use a “Pain Scale” to control deep techniques in order to keep the client safe and comfortable. Pressure levels in any massage are always monitored and controlled by the client.
Certified Pregnancy Massage
Certified Pregnancy Massage – Our Certified RMTs have received Certification above standard school training for Pregnancy, Post-Natal and High-Risk Pregnancy treatments.
Certified Pediatric Massage (Walking – 17 years)
Certified Pediatric Massage (Walking – 17 years) – Pediatric Massage Therapy is performed by the Certified Pediatric RMT in the presence of a guardian. Each treatment is tailored to each child’s individual physical development, cognitive development, and health care needs.Our Certified RMTs have received Certification above standard school training in techniques designed for Children of all ages and those with special concerns. (Certified by Tina Allen – liddlekidz.com)
Certified Infant Massage with Instruction (3 weeks to just walking)
Certified Infant Massage with Instruction (3 weeks to just walking) – PHONE CONSULT & DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BEFORE BOOKING – PLEASE CALL TO BOOK.
Certified Infant Massage with Instruction (3 weeks to just walking) – This is an Introduction to Infant Massage designed to teach the caregiver(s) the massage skills required to connect with their new addition in a beautiful new way and to continue the bonding experience at home. The caregiver will learn a Full Body Routine including special approaches for Teething, Constipation/Gas, and Colic.
Infant Massage Therapy is introduced by the Certified Pediatric RMT and then the guardian takes over with the baby while being instructed by the Certified Infant Massage Teacher. Each treatment is tailored to each child’s individual physical development, cognitive development, and health care needs.
This therapy has been practiced globally and has been increasingly used in Western countries as a treatment for infants, though the scientific evidence supporting its use is limited. Research into the effectiveness of massage therapy on full-term infants has found evidence for numerous benefits including improving gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and psychomotor development. Our Certified RMTs have received Certification above standard school training in techniques designed for teaching Infant Massage to Caregivers. (Certified by Tina Allen – liddlekidz.com)
Seniors Massage
Seniors Massage – A geriatric massage is a form of massage designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly population. It involves the use of hands to manipulate the soft tissues of the body to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, and increase range of motion.