Farmers Self Care Health With Massage Therapy, Sunstone RMT Vaughan Ontario

Running a farm or acreage is hard work. And its more than applying some elbow grease occasionally but rather a continuous day-in and day-out of all-day physical activity.

Farm workers often experience muscle pain, ligament strain, tendons and nerve injury, but good manual equipment handling techniques, safe work habits and self-care can prevent numerous injuries.

Keeping the farm running smooth is for the strong leader, someone with passion combined with the love for the outdoors.

Farmers Love Massage

Keeping the farm healthy includes keeping farm animals healthy but also keeping your own body in shape and healthy.

Massage therapy can help muscles recover from a full day of heavy work and hauling.

Sunstone Registered Massage can help relieve muscle soreness from lifting heavy objects, sitting on machinery for extended periods, and other manual labor that can cause pressure on damaged ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones, and joints.

Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy Providing quality therapeutic massage. Redefine Your Health.

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Our mission is to provide a high quality massage that will benefit individuals, provide both short and long-term relief from stress and chronic discomfort, and to reduce muscle stiffness and soreness after strenuous activity, and relax muscles, and reduce pain. By introducing massage to improve the overall health of the body and creating awareness of the effects and benefits of massage therapy. Re-Define Your Health.