Gardening for many is relaxing – a way to stay fit and to get fresh air outdoors. And nothing beats fresh vegetables picked from your own backyard garden.
If you ask any gardener about planting fresh vegetables or planting their favorite flowers or even adding soil to thier raised garden bed with a shovel, they would say: it’s ever so rewarding and relaxing.
Gardening requires a delicate touch when carefully planting tiny seeds and also can be a strenuous back breaker when turning soil or a mild finger grip-squeeze motion by mulching banana peels for rich homemade fertilizer.
Gardening is a form of escape, tuning out of your work life and your hectic day! At the same time gardening is an outlet to tune into your body and be physically active.
When you are occupied with gardening your relaxing the whole body.
Protect yourself from sun with a sun hat, and use gloves for safety.
The benefits of gardening goes a long way with the physical exercise of digging, lifting soil bags, bending, twisting, pulling out weeds, bending your knees, picking up rocks, cutting branches and much much more.
The whole body benefits from gardening; even the light task of standing up-right when watering the flower bed.