What is a bunion?
It is the bump that sticks out or is the bony part at the base of your big toe joint. It can be a progressive bone disorder. The skin may be red and sore in the bunion area. Foot wear that’s tight may also cause discomfort or pain.
The causes of Bunions can develop from an inherited structural defect, stress on your foot or a medical condition, such as arthritis.
Massage Treatment for Bunions and Muscle Pain
Bunions can result in painful discomfort and can lead to other musculoskeletal issues.
Registered Massage Therapy can help target the bunion area and the adjoining muscles through manual therapy.
Massage can help relieve the pain associated with bunions and related muscle pain or arthritis.
RMT’s can compliment your treatment options along with your doctor’s diagnosis and recommendation.
What Can Help Your Pain and Soreness?
Exercises to improve range of motion, surgical removal, relaxation massage and targeted muscle massage can be effective.
Do you suffer from bunion pain?

Reduce pain and swelling with Registered Massage Therapy for bunions. With routine Massages muscle pain can be minimized.
Consider massaging your feet with professional Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy.