Massage Therapy is not just about Relaxation, there are many more surprising benefits of Registered Massage Therapy.
There are more than 100 Surprising benefits of Massage Therapy.

Here are some of the positive effects that also can have long-term benefits on your body and your well-being.
1) Aches and pain.
2) Aids Digestion (Abdominal Stomach RMT Muscle Massageh)
3) Alzheimer’s disease
4) Arthritic pain.
5) Arthritis Pain Support
6) Back pain relief.
7) Balance and gait.
8) Blood pressure lowering.
9) Boost Immunity
10) Boosts Concentration
11) Calm body and mind.
12) Calms the nervous system.
13) Cardiovascular health.
14) Care.
15) Chemotherapy nausea reduction.
16) Circulation increased and the comfort of touch (blood flow).
17) Comfort & security.
18) Concentration, balance, posture, and motor skills.
19) Decrease muscle deterioration.
20) Decrease symptoms of CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome).
21) Dementia.
22) Depression.
23) Diabetics.
24) Digestion and improved elimination.
25) Ease the symptoms of depression.
26) Energy and vitality.
27) Enhance cardiovascular health.
28) Enhance self-image.
29) Enhance the quality of life in hospice care.
30) Enhances Athletic Performance

31) Fibromyalgia
32) Foot Massage.
33) Get in tune with their body.
34) Gift of health.
35) Headaches and pain – relieves migraine.
36) Heal scar tissue as well as tendon, ligament, and muscle tears.
37) Help decreasing stress in cancer patients.
38) Immune support.
39) Improve balance in older adults.
40) Improve body posture movement.
41) Improve concentration.
42) Improve exercise performance.
43) Improve productivity reducing mental stress.
44) Improve Quality of Sleep (Insomnia)
45) Improve range of motion.
46) Improve skin tone.
47) Improve sleep, reduce insomnia.
48) Improve speed recovery from illness.
49) Improved blood circulation.
50) Improves Balance
51) Improves Fatigue
52) Improves Flexibility
53) Improves joint flexibility and mobility.
54) Improves Muscle Tone
55) Improves Nerve Pain
56) Improves Posture
57) Improves Sleep
58) Improves waste elimination.
59) Increase lymph circulation.
60) Increase tissue metabolism.

61) Increases blood circulation.
62) Increases production of serotonin and dopamine.
63) Increases Range of Motion
64) Increases Serotonin and Dopamine
65) Induce mental relaxation.
66) Injuries or illnesses speed recovery or healing.
67) Joint replacement.
68) Life and self-esteem, quality of life.
69) Loosen tight muscle.
70) Lower Back Pain Minimizer
71) Lower the blood pressure.
72) Lowering Inflammation
73) Lymph circulation, which is very beneficial.
74) Lymphatic flow.
75) Manage upper and lower back pain.
76) Memory
77) Minimize Muscle Pain
78) Minimize pain of osteoarthritis.
79) Minimizing Joint Pain
80) Mood booster.
81) Motion and stability improving range.
82) Muscle inflammation after exercise.
83) Muscle injury prevention.
84) Muscle recovery.
85) Muscles and joints, increases flexibility and mobility.
86) Muscles and tissues.
87) Muscular tension, soreness, and fatigue.
88) Neck pain.
89) Nervous System Calmness
90) Nervous system.

91) Osteoarthritis of the knee.
92) Pain alleviation.
93) Pain due to osteoarthritis.
94) Pain managing chronic.
95) Parkinson’s disease.
96) Physical relaxation.
97) Promote relaxation.
98) Promotes Diaphragmatic Breathing
99) Promotes Muscle Injury Recovery
100) Promotes Relaxation
101) Provide a feeling of well-being.
102) Reduce Anxiety
103) Reduce chronic neck pain.
104) Reduce Depression
105) Reduce Headaches
106) Reduce heart rate.
107) Reduce lower joint replacement pain.
108) Reduce migraine frequency.
109) Reduce muscle tension.
110) Reduce nausea, & reduce chemotherapy related nausea.
111) Reduce postoperative ache or pain.
112) Reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain.
113) Reduce swelling.
114) Reduced stress, anxiety, and pain through increased relaxation.
115) Reduces Back Pain
116) Reduces Heart Rate
117) Reduces lower back pain.
118) Reduces Mental Stress
119) Reduces neck and shoulder pain.
120) Rejuvenation.

121) Relaxation.
122) Relaxes the body.
123) Release endorphins.
124) Release of nerve compression (carpel tunnel, sciatica).
125) Relief for tight muscles (knots) and other aches and pains.
126) Relief of stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness.
127) Relieve cramped muscles.
128) Relieve head pain, headache or migraine.
129) Relieve headache and anxiety.
130) Relieve Neck Pain
131) Relieve sports injuries.
132) Relieve stress and tension.
133) Relieve tired and aching muscles.
134) Relieves headaches.
135) Relieves Sinus Pressure
136) Rheumatoid arthritis.
137) Sciatica pain relief.
138) Skin improvement.
139) Skin Rejuvenation
140) Sleep habits and quality of sleep.
141) Slows respiration.
142) Soft Tissue Strains And Injuries
143) Speed elimination of metabolic waste.
144) Sports Injury Recovery
145) Stress relief.
146) Stretch connective tissues.
147) Stroke Recovery
148) Stroke Recovery
149) Supports Sports Muscle Injury
150) Whiplash Support

Over 100 most surprising benefits of massage therapy that can contribute to the promotion and overall boost of your mental well-being.
If you are new to massage therapy, visit your doctor to learn more about how you can benefit with regular Massage Therapy Treatments.