Muscle Health Throughout The Year

Every treatment is customized to the particular person as everyone does not have the same muscle stiffness and tension areas to restorative massage goal.

Muscle Health Throughout The Year In Vaughan Ontario
Muscle Health Throughout The Year In Vaughan Ontario

Deep Tissue massage helps ease muscle tension, improves blood flow and expels toxins.

Muscle Health Throughout The Year North York
Muscle Health Throughout The Year North York

Professional Swedish Registered Massage

Sliding, kneading and stretching with applied pressure intensities. Manipulation of soft tissue with specific techniques.

The five basic strokes are effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber or with the fibers) and vibration/shaking.

Muscle Health Throughout The Year RMT Vaughan
Muscle Health Throughout The Year RMT Vaughan

Relaxation Massage may help your muscles so you relax.


Swedish Relaxation massage varies from light to medium to firm pressure, however, relaxation massage is gentle-lighter pressure.

By admin

Our mission is to provide a high quality massage that will benefit individuals, provide both short and long-term relief from stress and chronic discomfort, and to reduce muscle stiffness and soreness after strenuous activity, and relax muscles, and reduce pain. By introducing massage to improve the overall health of the body and creating awareness of the effects and benefits of massage therapy. Re-Define Your Health.