What’s on your plate for your health?
Canada’s new food guide puts a mouth full on drinking water and staying hydrated. Water is essential for life. Without water – life on earth will not exist and you will not exist. Focus more on water — and avoid sugar drinks, juice boxes, pop (soda) fruit drinks – that’s a no go!
Canada’s Food Guide: Source: Health Canada:
Make water your drink of choice.
Fruits and vegetables contribute to your body’s health-related benefits. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of your healthy diet with sources of numerous nutrients, potassium, fiber, folic acid and numerous vitamins. They are also important to eat daily because they are low in fat, salt and sugar. Eating a variety of veggies and fruits are important.
Canada’s Food Guide: Source: Health Canada:
We should eat ‘plenty’ of vegetables and fruits.
As an essential part of your health – protein is good for you. And what is even a better – you should be eating protein foods that come from plants. Protein intake contributes to improving metabolism, helps improve muscle and can help lower the risk of several diseases and premature death.
Try some legumes, nuts, seeds or tofu.
Canada’s Food Guide: Source: Health Canada:
We should eat ‘plenty’ of proteins.
To reduces some chronic diseases people eat whole grains because grains are important sources of many nutrients with fiber, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate) and minerals (iron, magnesium and selenium).
Canada’s Food Guide: Source: Health Canada:
We should eat ‘plenty’ of whole grain foods.
Healthy fats are good fats. Saturated fat may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Canada’s Food Guide: Source: Health Canada:
Choose foods with healthy fats instead of saturated fat.
Keep in mind your eating habits, cook at home more often, prepare meals with others, connect with cultural foods – to help practice healthy routines that can improve your health.
Note: Changing your everyday routines and habits – You should consult your doctor.
Take care of your overall health by eating healthier and taking care of your body.
Sunstone Registered Massage has a long history of providing better health with Registered Massage Therapy services to the Vaughan Ontario community. We strive to promote health and wellness with effective solutions to those we serve. Providing high quality, client focused massage. Redefine Your Health. Vaughan, Woodbridge Ontario Canada. Sunstonemassage.com.