The cold wind chills are expected with drifting snow, frigid arctic air and strong winds.
Vaughan, ONTARIO: has an EXTREME COLD WARNING with a wind chill of -23°C to minus 35°C.
Cold arctic air will settle over Southern Ontario tonight.
‘Extreme cold puts everyone at risk’.
The cold weather can put your muscles at risk too.
The cold temperatures can affect how your muscles perform.
Especially, in extreme cold climates your muscles can tighten up.
Winter weather can trigger sharp muscle pain and soreness.
Here are some tips to keeping warm and beating the POLAR VORTEX:
Massage Therapy improves muscle soreness and tension during the Polar Vortex.
At Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy you can rejuvenate and relax from the cold temperatures and enjoy the health benefits.
Sunstone Registered Massage can help you through the winter season and the Extreme Cold Warning Polar Vortex.

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