Sunstone Massage Therapy – Knowledge Is Better Health Care
We are educated in anatomy, physiology, pathology, physical assessment, neurology, treatments, ethics and other subjects and can determine appropriate intensities of treatment technique used on certain physical conditions.
In Ontario, massage therapy is a regulated health profession and Sunstone Registered Massage Therapists have the following credentials:
- Health Science – Anatomy, Physiology, the body/science aspects of Massage
- Clinical Science – The Manual & Therapeutic Skills
- Clinical Practicum
These elements combine to make a skilled and competent Massage professional.
Knowledge At Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Musculoskeletal Anatomy
- Neurology
- Manual Skills
- Clinical Assessment
- Evidence Based Practice
- Hydrotherapy
- Therapeutic Exercise
- Athletic Treatments
- Kinesiology
- General Orthopedic Treatment
- Nutrition
- Pain and Stress Management
- Cranio-Sacral Treatment

Sunstone Registered Massage Therapy – Knowledge Is Better Health Care – Committed To Your Health With Massage Therapy.
Sunstone Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic. Telephone: 647-233-2569.