If someone needed CPR would you be able to help?
If someone was suffering from Cardiac Arrest, you can be their life saver.
Be a hero to someone who needs help with an emergency and learn CPR!
Without delay you can spring into action as time is critical and save a life.
At Sunstone Registered Massage Clinic we encourage everyone to learn and take training in CPR.
An emergency can happen at any time and you can be ready to help save a life.
Refresh your #CPR and #FirstAid skills and take a renewal course for this November #CPRMonth.
Help get the blood flowing to the brain with #CPR
#CPRmonth #CPRtraining #AED #SavingLives #CardiacArrest #CPR #HeartAttack #Stroke #Defibrillator #StrokeCouldBeCancer #CancerCanCauseStroke #CPRsaveslives